EOGA Archive

The Executive of EOGA recognises a particular responsibility to preserve information and documentation on the history of the Eastbourne Grammar School (EGS) and its predecessor, the Eastbourne Municipal Secondary School for Boys (EMSSB). The EMSSB was established in 1899 by the local authority and holds the unique position of being the first in the country to offer free secondary education up to the age of sixteen in a newly founded school.

To capture the history of the two schools the Executive Committee initiated a project to collect and digitise EMSSB and EGS school magazines and other documents for an online archive. Fred Reeve, then Hon Secretary /Administrator of EOGA 2008-2021, accepted the challenge and continued the project as the EOGA Archivist until his unexpected death in March 2023. The President announced at the Annual Lunch on 5th November 2022 that the Archive would be named “The Fred Reeve Archive” in recognition of Fred’s service as the Hon Secretary and Archivist. To complete the project an “Archive Completion Team (ACT)” was set up and accomplished the digitization of the school magazines during 2024.

The main EMSSB/EOGA archive contains a near complete collection of School Magazines including:

  • EMSSB magazines from Christmas 1909 to July 1928 missing only the issues for Summer 1910, Summer and Christmas 1914 and July 1922
  • A full run of EGS Magazines from December 1928 to July 1977

The magazine was published three times each year from 1910, then annually (in July) from 1940; publication was suspended during World War 1 from 1915-1919 but continued through World War 2.

The Archive also holds:

  • A partial run of Eastbourne Grammar & High School and Eastbourne Sixth Form College magazines donated by the late John Morris, who was the last Headmaster of the Grammar School, Head of the short-lived Grammar & High School and then Principal of the Sixth Form College throughout its existence.
  • Various other documents, photographs and other artefacts / items of School memorabilia, details of which will be posted on the website in due course.

The ACT will be glad to hear – via the Hon Secretary – from any Old Grammarian who has School memorabilia that they believe would be suitable for inclusion in the Archive.

Reflecting the School’s position in the history of municipal secondary education in England the Executive will seek to ensure that relevant hard copy holdings in the EOGA Archive are deposited in the Sussex Record Office (the Keep at Falmer) or another location that offers public access.

As part of the celebrations to mark the 125th anniversary of the EMSS/EGS the archive went live in September 2024 on the EOGA Website with all captured magazines available as “searchable PDFs”.

Each scanned magazine is held as a PDF, and the magazines are arranged by decade of publication. Once an individual PDF has been downloaded, it can be searched for specified names or words. For those unfamiliar with searching in a PDF, download the magazine, then launch the Find function by pressing the CTRL+F keys; then enter the words or names to be searched in the text box which opens near the top of your screen and view the results.

1910 Spring

Vol.I No.2 Easter Term 1910

'Editorial' comment – We can now consider our Magazine as one of the permanent features of the School.
Open Magazine PDF

1910 Winter

Vol.II No.4 Christmas Term 1910

'Editorial' comment – At all events, it is safe to say that twenty years hence the problem of mechanical flight will have been completely solved.
Open Magazine PDF

1911 Spring

Vol.II No.5 Easter Term 1911

'Editorial' comment – We have been fortunate in escaping the epidemic which has troubled so many schools in the town.
Open Magazine PDF

1911 Summer

Vol.II No.6 Summer Term 1911

'Editorial' comment – Two important events, the one of general interest and the other of interest to the School, have served to make the past term a noteworthy one in the history of the School. The first was the Coronation of King George V.
Open Magazine PDF

1911 Winter

Vol.II No.7 Christmas Term 1911

'Editorial' comment – This is the last number of our magazine which will be issued during the headmastership of Mr. Hawkins.
Open Magazine PDF

1912 Spring

Vol.III No.8 Easter Term 1912

'Editorial' comment – With reference to sports, it is gratifying that the 1st XI. have been more successful this term.
Open Magazine PDF

1912 Winter

Vol.III No.9 Christmas Term 1912

'Editorial' comment – Thirty-five new boys have been admitted this term - a number which easily constitutes a record.
Open Magazine PDF

1913 Spring

Vol.IV No.10 Easter Term 1913

'Editorial' comment – In the House games, which are as hotly contested as ever, of the senior teams Town House is strongest, and of the juniors Sussex House.
Open Magazine PDF

1913 Winter

Vol.IV No.11 Christmas Term 1913

'Editorial' comment – Mr. Platt's goal-keeping has won everybody's admiration, while Mr. Stacey is a great addition to the half-back line.
Open Magazine PDF

1914 Spring

Vol.IV No.12 Easter Term 1914

'Editorial' comment – Included in this Magazine is an essay by an Old Boy, on a subject which has a great fascination for all of us - "Work."
Open Magazine PDF