MEMBERS’ WEEKEND 2021 – Evening events
Event date: 5 November 2021
Evening events
On the evening prior to the AGM Lunch, we have traditionally held a Buffet Supper at the Royal Eastbourne, for members and their guests. Unfortunately this year, possibly due to Covid, we did not have sufficient numbers required by the Golf Club to put the event on. However, shortly before the planned event, additional members expressed an interest, and alternative arrangements were made for a Dinner in the Orangery Restaurant in the hydro Hotel. Fifteen members and guests enjoyed an excellent meal, and this could be a possible alternative for next year. Thanks to Brian Peck for using his influence with the Hydro Hotel.
Dinner at La Locanda del Duca Italian Restaurant (The 58ers)
Each year, a group of members who started at school in 1958 meet up with guests for a meal at La Locanda. A few exceptions are made for those “smart” people who came in a year later and were then Alpha streamed to finish at the same time as their “slower” colleagues. A notable exception is also made for a former Head Boy (and EOGA Vice President), who entered late having failed his 11 plus exam but had taken the trouble to fly over from Florida!
This year, 21 gathered for an excellent meal and many reminiscences of friends and events. A few new faces this year, which was good, but a few of the regulars were unfortunately confined to base by medical problems. By popular demand, this event will definitely be held again next year. Thanks to Andy Relf for his usual efficient organisation.
The “Youngsters” at the Lamb Pub and Spice Garden Curry House
The “youngsters” are of course mostly in their 60s, having left EGS in 1974-75. Twenty “youngsters” met at the Lamb Pub, which is a venue not unknown to most of them. Their intention had been to re-hydrate themselves, then stagger up the road to the Spice Garden for a curry. However, the re-hydration by Harveys Best Bitter was deemed more important than a curry and they never made it to the Spice Garden. On this occasion, some of the group had not met each other for 40 years. Thanks to Richard Platt and Don Seabright for organising the event and controlling the kitty.