About EOGA

EOGA (aka the Old Grammarians) was established in 1912 (a dozen or so years after the school itself) for cultural and sporting activities; it continued until the closure of the Grammar School in 1977, in particular, running a variety of sports teams until that time. The Association was never formally wound up, and it was resurrected in 1991 following a reunion of a group of contemporaries who left EGS in 1966 – so 2021 marked the 30th anniversary of EOGA in its present guise.

The aims of EOGA  are:

  • To facilitate contact between members
  • To arrange social and sporting events in the Eastbourne area, particularly the annual Members’ Weekend held in early November
  • To make appropriate provision for an archive of publications, documents, photographs and other EGS memorabilia and to record the position in the vanguard of municipal secondary education
  • To maintain a website providing information about the school and EOGA
EOGA welcomes membership applications from students or staff of Eastbourne Grammar School and its successor institutions. There is no membership fee but regular or one-off donations to help defray costs are most welcome; please email honsec@oldgramms.co.uk for details of the latter or other details about EOGA. A registration form for new members can be found via the Registration page.
EOGA is run by an Executive Committee comprising the following appointed post-holders ex officio – President, Vice Presidents, Hon Secretary & Administrator and Hon Treasurer & Deputy Administrator – plus up to six other members – including the Webmaster and the Chair of the Social Committee – elected at the AGM for three-year terms.