Members’ Weekend 2022, Day 2 Events
Event date: 5 November 2022
Day 2 of the Members’ Weekend programme followed its customary course. The short remembrance service at the Memorial Flagstaff outside the entrance to the former EGS building at King’s Drive was conducted by Old Grammarian Canon Geoffrey Baulcomb. Proceedings began with a lament on the bagpipes, continued with the lowering of the flag to half-mast and laying a wreath of poppies and included the reading of the names of those associated with the School who lost their lives during the First and Second World Wars. Nineteen Old Grammarians attended despite the inclement weather.
Attendance at the Annual Lunch was slightly higher than last year, with 54 OGs enjoying the occasion including Walter Tillyard, still going strong well into his 101st year. On a particularly pleasing note, there were five members who had not previously attended. The bar had, as usual, been open for more than an hour prior to the lunch, so everyone had the opportunity to be well-lubricated before sitting down to the food, served with customary efficiency by the REGC team. The raffle arranged by James Hazelden, and with prizes – mostly alcoholic – donated by attendees, raised £313 for Blackburn Vail Trust funds.
The formalities of the AGM were dealt with promptly and efficiently. The usual reports came from the Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer (including on the Blackburn Vail Trust) and Social Committee (Golf Competitions and other events). Particular mention was made of the revamped website – launched last March but still a work in progress – and Fred Reeve’s on-going work – now approaching its conclusion after taking twice as long as Fred had anticipated – to scan and digitise all EGS Magazines and various other documents; how the output can be publicised and accessed is yet to be discussed. In recognition of Fred’s efforts, EOGA President Jack Revell announced the naming of the Association’s collected records as The Fred Reeve Archive.
Proceedings concluded with the presentation of school colours (see picture below) to Walter Tillyard for blackboard rubber throwing and a short speech from Walter thanking the Association for the presentation of the engraved glass decanter – which now, he assured everyone, has appropriate contents – to mark his 100th birthday in April and reflecting on his time at EGS as the highpoint of his teaching career.
The Annual Weekend in 2023 will be on 3rd /4th November.